News – 2018
16.10.2018 Field Study | Bürgeruniversität in der Lehre
Members of the Institute of Molecular Evolution and pupils from Düsseldorf are on Elba to analyze the effects of plastic contamination on the marine environment. The project is supported by the HHU initiative "Bürgeruniversität in der Lehre" and documentated in a blog.
22.09.2018 Publication | Life
16.08.2018 Publication | PLoS Genetics
13.08.2018 Roundtable Discussion | ISME17
William Martin took part in the Roundtable Discussion "The Archaea-Eukaryote evolutionary pathway – Is the roadmap clear?" at the 17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology in Leipzig, Germany.
The Roundtable Discussion was organized by Chuanlun Zhang (Southern University of Science and Technology, China), Ruixin Zhu (Tongji University, China) and Li Huang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China).
12.07.2018 Publication | Cell
12.07.2018 Publication | Cell
The Chara genome: Secondary complexity and implications for plant terrestrialization
Cell 174:448–464 (2018)
doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.06.033
13.06.2018 Interview | Università di Padova
Il Bo Live from the Univeristy of Padova (Italy) interviewed Bill Martin about the first organism on Earth:
Com'era fatto il primo organismo mai vissuto sulla Terra?
07.06.2018 Klüh Prize| Archdiocese of Berlin
The Archbishop of Berlin, Dr. Heiner Koch, held the laudatio to the laureate, Prof. William Martin, at the award ceremony of the Klüh Prize in the Hotel Adlon (Berlin). Dr. Koch's laudatio and Prof. Martin's acceptance speech are available on the website of the Archdiocese of Berlin (in German).
19.05.2018 Press | Rheinische Post
19.05.2018 Press | Westdeutsche Zeitung
18.05.2018 Prize | William Martin
10.04.2018 Graduation | Cessa Rauch
Cessa Rauch successfully finished her doctorate with the thesis entitled
"Plastid longevity in sacoglossan sea slugs".
13.03.2018 Publication | Nature Ecology and Evolution