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News – 2017

William Martin talks about:

Ursprünge des Lebens. Wo lebten die ersten Zellen, und wovon?

Thursday, November 29, 2017, 17:00 h
Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Palmenstraße 16, 40217 Düsseldorf

William Martin reported on Ö1, an austrian radio station operated by Austria's public broadcaster ORF, in the program "Dimensionen" about the origin of life:

Wie das Leben auf der Erde begonnen hat

A physiological perspective on the origin and evolution of photosynthesis

FEMS Microbiol Rev (2017)

doi: 10.1093/femsre/fux056

William Martin recieves the 2017 Spiridion Brusina Medal of the Croatian Society of Natural Sciences.

Website in Croatian language

Symbiogenesis, gradualism, and mitochondrial energy in eukaryote origin

Period Biol 119: 141–158 (2017)

doi: 10.18054/pb.v119i3.5694

Too much eukaryote LGT

Bioessays (2017)

doi: 10.1002/bies.201700115

12.10.2017 TV | Arte Xenius

Arte, a public German-French TV network, broadcasted a video about William Martin's findings about the role of iron at the origin of life in the science program Xenius:

"Eisen: Warum wir es zum Überleben brauchen"

On being the right size as an animal with plastids

Front. Plant Sci. 8:1402 (2017)

doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01402

The physiology of phagocytosis in the context of mitochondrial origin

Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 81 (2017)

doi: 10.1128/MMBR.00008-17

The VolkswagenStiftung will support Prof. Dr. William F. Martin in the next five years under the initiative "Life – A fresh scientific approach to the basic principles of life".

This project is in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Martin Lercher (HHU Düsseldorf) and Prof. Dr. Eörs Sathmáry (Parmenides Institute Munich).

Project title: "A unified model of recombination in life"

William Martin reported on WDR 5, a radio channel produced by the Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), a public broadcasting company in Germany, in the program "Zeitzeichen" about Stanley Miller on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Miller's death. 


30.03.2017 News | NASA Blog

Astrobiology at NASA posted an article about LUCA and William Martin's work:

Looking for LUCA, the Last Universal Common Ancestor


Google Scholar lists public profiles for Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.

10.03.2017 Graduation | Sriram Garg

Sriram Garg successfully finished his doctorate with the thesis entitled

"Mitochondria and Major Transitions at the Origin of Eukaryotes".

09.03.2017 Publication | Cell

Energy in ancient metabolism

Cell 168:953–955 (2017)

doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.02.032

Physiology, phylogeny, early evolution, and GAPDH

Protoplasma 254:1823–1834 (2017)

doi: 10.1007/s00709-017-1095-y

Late mitochondrial origin is an artifact

Genome Biol. Evol. 9:373–379 (2017)

doi: 10.1093/gbe/evx027

10.02.2017 Prize | Chuan Ku

Chuan Ku was awarded for the Best Doctoral Dissertation 2016 of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.

02.02.2017 Talk | Haus der Universität Düsseldorf

William Martin talks about:

Einsam und allein auf einem jungen Planeten. Der letzte gemeinsame Vorfahr allen Lebens

Thursday, February 2, 2017, 19:00 h
Haus der Universität, Schadowplatz 14, 40212 Düsseldorf

Rheinische Post, a major German regional daily newspaper, published an article about Bill Martin and his research on the origin of life:

Wie das Leben auf die Welt kam

01.02.2017 Graduation | Harald Preisner

Harald Preisner successfully finished his doctorate with the thesis entitled

"Cytoskelett-Analyse parabasalischer Parasiten: Die Präsenz potentieller Intermediärfilament Proteine in Protisten".

Physiology, anaerobes, and the origin of mitosing cells 50 years on

J. Theor. Biol. 434: 2–10 (2017)

doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2017.01.004

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