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Publikationen – M.Sc. Natalia Mrnjavac


  • Mrnjavac N, Schwander L, Martin WF: LUCA and the origins of cellular life. In: Reference Module in Life Sciences. Elsevier (2024). PDF
  • Modjewski LD, Karavaeva V, Mrnjavac N, Knopp M, Martin WF, Sousa FL: Evidence for corrin biosynthesis in the last universal common ancestor. FEBS J (2024). doi: 10.1111/febs.17367 PDF
  • Mrnjavac N, Martin WF: GTP before ATP: The energy currency at the origin of genes. Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg 1886:149514 (2024). PDF
  • Mrnjavac N, Schwander L, Brabender M, Martin WF: Chemical antiquity in metabolism. Acc Chem Res 57:2267–2278 (2024). PDF
  • Mrnjavac N, Degli Esposti M, Mizrahi I, Martin WF, Allen JF: Three enzymes governed the rise of O2 on Earth. Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg 1865:149495 (2024). PDF
  • Mrnjavac N, Nagies FSP, Wimmer JL, Kapust N, Knopp MR, Trost K, Modjewski L, Bremer N, Mentel M, Degli Esposti M, Itzhak Mizrahi I, Allen JF, Martin WF: The radical impact of oxygen on prokaryotic evolution-enzyme inhibition first, uninhibited essential biosyntheses second, aerobic respiration third. FEBS Lett 598:1692–1714 (2024). PDF
  • Brabender M, Henriques Pereira DP, Mrnjavac N, Schlikker ML, Kimura Z-I, Sucharitakul J, Kleinermanns K, Tüysüz H, Buckel W, Preiner M, Martin WF: Ferredoxin reduction by hydrogen with iron functions as an evolutionary precursor of flavin-based electron bifurcation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121:e2318969121 (2024). PDF


  • Schwander L, Brabender M, Mrnjavac N, Wimmer JLE, Preiner M, Martin WF: Serpentinization as the source of energy, electrons, organics, catalysts, nutrients and pH gradients for the origin of LUCA and life. Front Microbiol 14:1257597 (2023). PDF
  • Mrnjavac N, Wimmer JLE, Brabender M, Schwander L, Martin WF: The Moon-forming impact and the autotrophic origin of life. Chempluschem e202300270 (2023). PDF


  • Weiss MC, Neukirchen S, Roettger M, Mrnjavac N, Nelson-Sathi S, Martin WF, Sousa FL: Reply to 'Is LUCA a thermophilic progenote?' Nat Microbiol 1:16230 (2016). PDF
  • Weiss MC, Sousa FL, Mrnjavac N, Neukirchen S, Roettger M, Nelson-Sathi S, Martin WF: The physiology and habitat of the last universal common ancestor. Nat Microbiol 1:16116 (2016). PDF